| The Engagement of Social Hope
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The Engagement of Social Hope

I was reading  CA$HVERTISING: How to Use More than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone
over the holidays by Drew Eric Whitman.  Yep, it had some common sense things in it, but as a Biology major in Undergrad, I enjoyed reading how his compilation of advertising tactics were broken down by psychology drive.

Early in the book, he discussed biologically-pertinent desires that humans are “programmed” with… well uh… most humans who have normal hormonal balances 🙂

He termed these the Life Force 8 desires:

  1. Survival and Life Extension
  2. Enjoyment of Food and Beverages
  3. Freedom from fear, pain, and danger
  4. Sexual companionship
  5. Comfortable living conditions
  6. To be superior, winning, and keeping up with the Joneses
  7. Care and protection of loved ones
  8. Social Approval

He spends the rest of the book breaking down advertising and marketing tactics that support these and other secondary desires and/or learned human behaviors that make certain ad techniques more probable at converting a desired action.  To me, it was a great compilation and reminder of great techniques and common sense approaches.

Maybe, as several around me have hypothesized, these desires coupled with New Year’s resolution timing give the social space a high level of engagement during this time of the year.

  • People want  to be motivated.
  • They want to be inspired.
  • EVEN if they don’t get up and DO the actions that they know should be done, they are ready to be onboard in socializing and evangelizing the idea.

Social Engagement Examples of HOPE

The following 3 Tweets are interesting.

  • At the time of the screenprints, there were 22 Retweets and 5 Favorited tweets.

Inspiration 1


Inspiration 2Inspiration3







The Suggested Use of Hope-Based Tweets

The Engagement of Hope should be used during this time of year to market your products.  Finding a clear correlation between your product and how it serves the needs of your consumer should always be used.  And in between that consumer shopping and researching, and actually buying, work on finding a way to engage your users on hope, inspiration, and motivation towards the Life 8.

We are NOT saying that you need to become a Quote factory or even become a 100% Tony Robbins or Stephen Covey fanatic in your marketing.

Instead, since your social marketing play for either B2B OR B2C customers should include a good variety of content, we are suggesting that you should include this type of content in your marketing.

What are your thoughts?



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